Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9th 7:55 pm

Good news we just got some of the results back from his spinal tap and Acey's white blood cells are down again! We are so excited!! The count is now 34, so we have a little bit further to go. Tomorrow Acey is going to try this new machine out that will help him communicate with us a little better. With his eyes he will be able to spell out words, not sure how it works, I'm just hoping it does.


  1. Hooray for another good news day! Good luck with the eye gaze device - you'll
    have to tell me a little more about it. I so hope that it works for him! I'm
    sure the communication barrier is very frustrating. Keep plugging along - we're
    all rootin' for ya!

  2. That's great. I hope he is a better speller than Brett or you won't know what he's trying to spell!! ; )

  3. AWESOME NEWS!! He is on his way!! Yea!!!!!!!!! Oh the power of prayer, blessings, all your & everyone's positive vibes and faith combined with Acey's strong will, will continue to pay off!! Keep it up Ace!!

    P.S. If he can spell as good as his memory is, he'll ace this new machine!!

  4. lol..I just caught that...Ace will Ace this new machine! lol

  5. Oh boy, am I excited to hear the news about the "count" numbers and that they are lower. Thank you for an answered prayer. :) Keep coming down numbers. Remember to thank your nurses for this is Nurse's Week and don't forget to include, Jalyn. :) Now, I know that I don't have to tell you this, Acey because you have been a truly gracious patient from all accounts...but I will say that someone would have to constantly caution me not to give "the ol' stink eye" with a communication machine that I dictated my speech/messages via my eyes. LOL. Ya know how I just can't help myself...being so innately ornery. LOL. This device sounds so fascinating, seriously. Hoping this makes it much less frustrating to communicate for the time being. May God continue to shower you with blessings and may you turn your "umbrella" upside down to catch them or let them fall upon you w/ glee. Singing in the "rain" of blessings. Just singing in the rain. I am literally singing in the rain here in Dietrich. You should see, by the way how incredibly green the pastures are right now. :) I hope you do very soon. :) I love the green pastures/fields and this time of year even though I don't like so much rain. I guess you just can't have the green fields w/out the rain, though. :) Singing and dancing and so very happy today...and thankful. :) May your triumphs continue to come. Thanks for sharing w/ us the not so good and the wonderful news. We shall not forget you. We are still here and thinking of you and praying for you, as you know. We are "there" with you in spirit and you are in our hearts. Love, The Dotsons

  6. Loving the good news and updates. Our prayers sent your way.
