Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Today was absolutely an amazing day. I just want to say that the Lord hears and answers our prayers. When I say that Acey's faith is strong I hope you all understand how strong it truly is. A few days ago we were having a really bad day (that is a major under statement), Doctors had given us news that I wouldn't wish for anyone to hear. When we got back to our room we were talking and he had told me that he had been praying for days that President Monson would come to see him, and whenever I said guess who's coming to see you today. he would always respond, President Monson? Well today Acey's prayers were answered. This afternoon we got Acey in a wheelchair to go for a walk and we were just going back to our room when we spotted President Monson. He stopped to talked to us and shook our hands, and it was absolutely amazing. We then met up with him again, this time we got our pictures with him, he signed Acey's quilt, and then we told him that Elder Kikuchi gave him a blessing a few weeks ago and then he asked if we would like him (President Monson) to give him a blessing. I said that we would love him to give Acey a blessing!! We then went into a corridor where they have an elevator that takes all the laundry downstairs and there he gave Acey a blessing. I'm sharing this special story with you all because we want everyone to know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers, and that Acey never had any doubts about him showing up, he was just waiting for the moment to happen. Acey's body maybe tired, run down and not working but he spirit is as strong as ever and has grown so much through this experience.


  1. Thank you for sharing such a sacred experience with us! Heavenly Father is indeed aware of us and this is a prime example of this. A renewal of my faith and add more strength to my testimony. Thank you again for sharing!!

  2. What a great experience for you guys. It's amazing what can happen if you have faith that it will happen. Great news two days in a row, we are praying for more good news tomorrow. Stay strong. Love, Daryl & SueAnn

  3. WOW!!!! This is so great! What an amazing day. We love you both! Get better Ace!!

  4. WOW!!!!!! That is so incredible and NEAT!! What a strength and example of FAITH!!! Thankyou sooo much for sharing that most sacred experience! I've had goose bumps and tears! We love you guys and can't wait for you both to come home! How blessed we are to have a loving Heavenly Father! Have a great day tomorrow! Thanks Ace!!! We are praying for you!! The Smith Clan

  5. What a blessing! I cant think of a better way to lift spirits than to see a Prophet of God! Thanks for sharing! We are loving all of the positive, good news! Love, The Telfords

  6. Definitely an amazing blessing!! I know that whenever my faith was wavering and I was having a hard time the first person that always came to my mind was Acey.....he has always been a huge example in my life. You are all in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Can't wait to have you all home.

  7. I thought this only happened to people I read about in the Ensign. Acey you are an inspiration to us all!! Love your big sister

  8. That is pretty darn inspiring! How neat...

  9. What an amazing experience!! Heavenly Father does know each of us & wants us to know that he hears and answers our prayers. You guys are such good examples to us all!

  10. What an amazing story for a very amazing guy! Our prayers continue to be with Acey and your family!

  11. Last night at the parent pack meeting Kade stood up infront of everyone and told us this amazing story, coming from a proud little boy it was so inspiring. Hang in there your faith is helping everyone grow closer to our father in heaven. Thank you for sharing you hearts with us all. Laura & Bruce.

  12. Yep just WOW! Love you guys! Rusty and Carla

  13. Jalyn that brought tears to my eyes! What an amazing thing for you two. You guys are still in our prayers. Keep hanging in there! Amy &Kevin Kerner

  14. Acey, your faith is inspiring. :)


  15. Wow! What an amazing story! I had heard something was wrong with Acey but I didn't know what and then I came across this blog. What a trial for your family but what strong faith! I love you all and you are for sure in my prayers! I miss the wonderful people of Dietrich, ID and the amazing Shaw family.

    All my love,
    Sister Newby

  16. Acey your faith is amazing it is amazing how through all of this you are the one teaching all of us. We love you and hope today is another amazing day.

  17. Thankyou for your faith and optimism you share with us. Dr Dowdle said to tell you that he was praying for you also and that he sent some things to the fundraiser.

  18. That is so wonderful. Very happy for you and the blessing you received. It is humbling to think that a prophet takes the time to walk the corridors of a hospital and reach out to members on such a personal level. Reminds us of how personal our service needs to be. Acey has great faith!

  19. No words can describe what an awesome experience that must of been...I can not think of any two people who deserve to have something so AMAZING happen...Like I have said b4 "WhEn LiFe GiVeS yOu A hUnDrEd ReAsOnS tO cRy ShOw LiFe A tHoUsAnD rEaSoNs To SmIlE", Well there is a huge reason to smile!!!Sending prayers and Love ur way ...Love, David Wynterly and all those crazy Korom kids :) love you!! <3

  20. Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful, sacred experience with us all. We all need to have that kind of faith! Acey, you're such a strength to us all and no matter what, you 'll always be a person I'll look up to!
