Friday, April 15, 2011

Update April 15th 6:54 pm

Today was pheresis day and it was our 4th treatment, which really wiped him out. One more treatment to go which will be done on Sunday. After that we aren't really sure which direction we are going to take. One of our Doctor's will be back in town tomorrow and we are hoping that he will have a new plan of attack. Acey's MRI of his spinal came back with no changes, his spinal tap showed that his infection has not gotten any better, or worse, so I guess we'll consider that all good news. Tomorrow he will go and have the MRI of his brain, and since his breathing is better they will be able to sedate him. One of our Doctors came in this afternoon and said something very profound, he said that "we are going for inches then miles." I like that saying.


  1. Inches...then MILES. I love it!!! Glad to hear that his breathing is BETTER than yesterday. :) Also, glad to hear that the spinal tap revealed that it is not worse. And, only ONE more plasma treatment to go. Woo Hoo! Way to stay tough, ACE!!! Inches...then miles. You've already jumped quite a few hurdles, faced many obstacles but you still got lots o' fight in ya. RUN ON!!!! Keep amazing us, okay. I truly believe in you and I believe in God's grace & amazing ability to heal and give to us that extra strength that we need in times like these. I continue to pray it every day for you, ACEY...I truly do. :) Jalyn, thanks for the update. Hope you both have a GREAT day tomorrow. HOPE! FAITH and
    The Dotson Family

  2. Dona, ditto your words! Ace, Jalyn, love you guys tons!!!! Keep up the positive attitude! You are inspiring to us all!! Prayers and prayers and more prayers!!

  3. Jalyn I took a bunch of pictures at the walk-a-thon this morning. I posted them on facebook. Let me know if you want any of them and I will email them to you. Keep up positive attitude and we love both of you. Acey keep fighting we know you can do it.
