Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st 10:45 pm

I'm back in Utah with Acey and so thrilled to see his progress. I got to see him walk for the first time with a special walker that has supports for his arms to rest on. He did great. He still is needing a lot of help but we can definitely see improvement. We had a meeting today and they have set a new day for him to go home which is May 4th, that is if everything goes as planned. We still have a long way to go before he get to come home. Well, you all know that today was April Fools Day, so we couldn't pass up this amazing opportunity to play a little harmless joke. So, Acey's first appointment this morning was PT whi is a really nice lady, she comes in and asks how are you doing today Acey? He replies, "alright but I can't feel my legs." She said, "what?", as calm as she could and he told her gain taht he had no feeling in his legs. The she starts with all the questions, how ling has his been going on? can you feel your hands and arms? By the way Randy McCowan was in the room at the time and his eyes were bugging out of his head! Oh it was great! Then Acey tells them APRIL FOOLS, but it took Acey saying twice before they really heard him. They both about died. Right after that, one of the head nurses walks in to check on him and asked how are you feeling today? The PT says he's having some new problems this morning, Acey why don't you tell her, and so he did. It was great! Right after that Dorene called to check on Ace, well needless to say she did not think it was funny whatsoever. I don't think we will ever forget this April Fools Day! P.S. Sorry Dorene but it was all Randy's idea.


  1. lololol!! That is great! LOVE IT! This will definitely be an April Fool's you won't forget! haha...thanks for the laugh guys! Glad to hear such great improvements!

    Alot of people read these comments so I want to make sure everyone around here knows on April 16th, Sasha Kent from Richfield and her Leadership Class is holding a Walk-a-thon fundraiser for Acey. It will be at 10 am at the Richfield School. $5 for adults and $3 for kids. All proceeds will go towards the Acey Shaw Benefit Fund, which can be found at your Local Wells Fargo Bank. I will also have a bunch of Food Storage Items there that can be purchased and proceeds will go towards the Fund as well.

    Thanks Richfield! Keep up the great work Ace!!!

  2. You two are crazy funny!!! I don't know how you can do this with a straight face. I bet Randy was loving it!! Those poor nurses.

  3. First of all I am not surprised by you two. You guys crack me up. Acey love your attitude. You two continue to amaze me in all that you are up against. See you next weekend Ace!

  4. Oh my goodness! it is a wonder Dorene didn't come right down the phone line and throttle you three! Laughter is sometimes the best medicine. So keep up the good attitude - nothing is gonna stop you. Carla

  5. Yes, Dorene was still a bit peeved when I talked to her later that afternoon. Luckily most of the Sorensen's have a good sense of humor!!! Glad to hear of all the progress hope all goes well for a timely discharge from rehab.

  6. Oh, you guys! What little devilish ones but laughter is great medicine. Poor nurses!!!! Poor Dorene!!!!! You must find a way to get them back, Dorene. ;) That's wonderful to hear about him walking and to hear that he could be back amongst us here in Dietrich as soon as the first week of May. Keep up the great attitude/hard work. See ya soon, Dona Dotson

  7. paulette you have to have a good sence of humar inorder to live with my dad. from what he tells me he was quite the prankster. lol
