Friday, March 11, 2011

Ace showing his Skills


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey guys. Hope that this post finds you guys ok. I want to let you guys know that there are many of my friends and family that are remembering all of the Shaw's in their prayers. My thoughts, prayers, and love go out to each and every one of you all. Acey, please hurry and get better I am really missing giving you a hard time and miss seeing your smiling face. Jalyn and the kids please keep your chins up I am here for any of you that need to talk vent or what ever.
    All of my thoughts, love and prayers
    Tammy Corrigan
    Billy Corrigan
    JD Corrigan

  3. The white farm boy has skills!! Love you guys. Love Cali and Jase

  4. Acey, having faith that you will be kicking your heels up here again very soon. :) Stay strong! You are a CHAMP! We are praying for a diagnosis and quick recovery. We have kept you in our prayers since we found out...Billye and Buddy have both included you in their nightly prayers, as well as Jalyn and the kids. GAME ON, Ace!!!! Go, Fight and WIN. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Looking forward to seeing you "suiting" up again real soon. Also, can't wait to hear you say, "Hi Ornery!" and that classic Acey smile while you are saying it. Now get ORNERY and we'll be seeing you....soon. Lots of love to you and your family, the Dotson's. :) P.S. Much success with the biopsy on Monday/Tuesday. Also, glad this post is here because truly think of you all, especially you, Acey many times throughout the day as well as stop to pray several times, as well. :)
