Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11th 10:41 am

Today is the second treatment of plasma pharisees, and then he will be getting his G-Tube put in later today. His eyes are starting to get more blurry and he is getting more weak. Hoping this treatment will work.


  1. Are prayers are still coming to you Acey.

    Love The Perry Family

  2. Our prayers are with you too.

  3. Our Prayers are with you and we are Praying for the treatment to work.

  4. ...still praying...with every fiber of my being. :)


  5. We do too. Our prayers and love are with you. Daryl & SueAnn

  6. praying all the time for acey, my kids ask constantly if i have heard anything, we need you, fight hard, come back!

  7. Diddo what everyone said! My heart just aches for you guys! Acey, keep fighting! We love you, we pray for you, think about you and still more praying and praying! J, we love you too!

  8. And ditto what Teresa said. Your whole family is in my prayers. Keep fighting Acey! You can do it!!!!!

    I also have to tell you what Brody's conversation with us was on the way to church (unprompted). He said, "I want to give Acey a hug." He then went on to say that when it is Halloween time when we get lots and lots and lots of candy, he wants to give some of it to Acey. And also when it is Valentine's day when we give cards, he wants to give all of his to Acey. See what you have to look forward to when you get home, Ace???

    At sacrament meeting we pointed out your parents when they said the prayer and your grandparents when they spoke. So his prayer that night (which was more a factual statement in story form) was all about how Acey's mom and dad and grandpa and grandma were at church and so on and so forth.

    Hope this gives you something to smile about! Heck - I'd even be willing to share my candy with you...or chocolate muffins...when you get home!

    Hugs to all you guys!
    Heather and the gang

  9. I wonder if they have any eskimo blood in that plasma mix? They seem to be pretty hardy when it comes to cold weather. I'm wearing down, they are in hoodies and tenny runners.
    Our best wishes to the Shaws. Rusty and Carla

  10. My prayers are always with you guys. Let me know if there is anything you guys need at all.

    Danny Whitby

  11. We would love to see this work! Love you guys
