Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 9th 11:32 am

Alright, I finally got a few minutes to catch you all up with what has been happening here with Acey. He is now back in the hospital. In the past few days his symptoms have been getting worse. He has been loosing more feeling on his left side and is now moving to his chest on the left side and his left side of his throat is not working, which is making it very difficult to swallow. Last night he accidentally pulled out his feeding tube again. That was he 5th one he had put in, and he can't get enough nutrients without it. The Doctors came in today and talked about putting a G-Tube in on Monday. Also today they are starting a new treatment of Plasma Pharisees. I'll explain it the best that I can, so they are taking out Acey's blood removing his plasma and then putting his blood back in. He will have 5 treatments of this with a day in between each one. After that the Doctors are looking at giving him antibodies of 20,000 people and hopefully one of the 20,000 people would have some of the antibodies that Acey needs to fight off the illness. After that we aren't real sure what the next step will be, we are just hoping that these treatments work. They told us that we should know within a few days if this treatment is working. They are also trying a Parkinson's medication to see if that will help some of his symptoms. We had a very special experience the other day, Elder Kikuchi who is a General Authority of the LDS Church came to see Acey and he gave him a priesthood blessing, which was amazing. He gave us a lot of insight, in not only what is going on with our family at this time but just on life itself. Thank you, for wonderful people that take time out their busy lives to bless us. Elder Kikuchi thank you.


  1. It is disconcerting that he is back in the hospital. :( However, it sounds as if Acey has the blessing of being in a place that seems quite devoted to his recovery. A blessing, indeed! A prayer answered. :) Acey also seems to remain in good spirits despite all that he has endured, medically, physically and emotionally. That is amazing and frankly, I would not expect anything less from him. :) I can't even begin to imagine...I have certainly tried. I also try to imagine what you, Jalyn might be experiencing and subsequently relate this to what I would be "feeling". I again, commend you for YOUR strength, devotion and upbeat attitude. I said it before and I will say it again, YOU are also a WARRIOR. My thoughts and prayers are with you, as well as Acey. Once more, your support structure (the incredible outpouring of love, support and prayers) seems solid. A blessing. Prayers answered. If only "we" could take someone's pain and suffering away from them. Alas, we cannot. We can "be" there for them as YOU and many have been and am certain will continue to be until he can on his own again. That assurance has and can and will make such a difference. I am confidant that you understand this, as you have indicated and expressed appreciation for many times. GRACE under fire! Impressive, to say the least. Also, you have the ultimate blessing of your faith and comfort in knowing that "The Lord" will "be" with you every "step" of the way. :) "He" has given you an "abundant" challenge(s), for certain. However, as you well know but feel worth repeating, "he" has given you what you need and prepared you accordingly for these challenges. Abundantly!!!! You have proven it so repeatedly already. :) Both of you. :) I repeat for good measure, YOU ARE UP TO THE CHALLENGE! Both of you. :) Much love and continued blessings for Acey, you, the entire family. Also continued prayers for the medical staff - for "insight" on the medical diagnosis/treatment and for their continued "devotion". God Bless All. Love, Dona D. & Family. P.S. Have asked my mother to place your name on her church's prayer list, as well. :) One more thing, in thinking about an upcoming "holiday", I wish to share with you this: Ultimately to me, Easter represents HOPE...

  2. AMEN Dona! Very well said! guys are amazing! Continued prayers, thoughts and love sent your way!

  3. Out of trials and tribulations come some of the most fabulous experiences! You guys have shown us all how to take a negative and turn it into a positive! I know you would galdly not have this experience. But you two have taken it on like the fighters you. Thank You for that and thank you for taking the time to keep us updated! Our prayer, thoughts and love continue. Love Rusty and Carla

  4. Thank you, Jalyn, for keeping us posted. I think of you both often and pray the doctors will be able to help Acey. The visit from Elder Kikuchi must have been amazing. We're praying for you!

  5. Keep fighting!! Glad to hear updates even when the news isn't so great. That is awesome that Elder Kikuchi came and gave a blessing too!!
