Monday, April 25, 2011

Update April 25th 7:19 pm

AMAZING NEWS!!!!! Acey's white blood cell's went down!! The doctors were shooting for 1/3 and the went down 2/3!!! The white blood cell's are now 55!!!! Now we can stop and take a breath and relook everything and see which way to go for treatments. Tomorrow we will hopefully have a game plan on what we will be doing next, as for tonight we won't be in any rush to start anything new we are just enjoying hearing some good news for once!!!!


  1. That is just Fabulous news!! We will keep your family in our prayers...Sending lots of love your way....Love the Korom Family P.s tell Acey, David said hi!!

  2. YAY!!!!! Great News!!! We will all breath a little easier tonight. You will still be in our thoughts and prayers. Love you guys, Carla and Rusty

  3. YAY!!!!!! That's amazing news!!!!! Still think about you all, all the time!!!!

  4. I need a "love" button to push:)Great news!! Love you guys.-Bean

  5. We are happy to hear some great news! Keep up the hard work, all of you! We are thinking of you every day! More good news please! Ryan and Mijken Telford

  6. Great news, we will keep praying for continued improvement. Love u guys. SueAnn & Daryl

  7. Thanks for sharing your AMAZING news. :) :) :) My heart was so very happy tonight. Will keep praying for more good news to come. :) :) :) Also, thanking God for the blessings bestowed upon you today. Again, may the blessings keep coming. :) Love, The Dotson Family.

    P.S. Acey, keep that winning spirit! :) Team Acey, you too!!!!! :)

  8. That is so wonderful!!! Yeah Acey!!! Hang in there guys. We love you!

  9. Thank you Heavenly Father!! still sending prayers your way! Celebrate!

  10. We had an amazing lesson in YW on Easter Sunday. It was about the Grace of God. So many people think the Grace of God means that if you believe in Him by His Grace you will be saved. We learned that the Grace of God isn't just a free gift. The definition of the Grace of God from the Bible Dictionary says,
    "A word that occurs frequently in the New Testament, especially in the writings of Paul. The main idea of the word is divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ.
    It is through the grace of the Lord Jesus, made possible by his atoning sacrifice, that mankind will be raised in immortality, every person receiving his body from the grave in a condition of everlasting life. It is likewise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. This grace is an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts."
    What we learned is that Grace takes effort. When we have given all we can and it feels like we cannot go any farther we can ask for his strength to help us, but not that he will do it for us, and we will be given the strength to continue.
    The teacher had a magic urn to demonstrate this. He showed us that it was full of water and he proceeded to dump the water into a bowl he emptied it. Then he talked about a few examples of those who had asked for the Strength (Grace) of the Lord and received it. Then he proceeded to dump more water from the urn. We had all seen him empty it before, but there was more water to dump out. He said, that is how the Grace of God works. When you have given all you can you ask for more and with your faith in God the strength will be given to you. The teacher did this many times and every time there was more water to pour from the urn.
    Interestingly enough there was another lesson that the teacher didn't present, but was there anyway. There was a few people, one girl in particular, that was so focused on the urn and how it worked that I'm pretty sure she missed the meaning of what the teacher was trying to tell us. I thought how fitting that is in our lives. So many times we are so focused on all the things in the world that confuse us or don’t exactly make sense that we miss the easy messages that are being spelled out for us and given to us in easy words. Instead of asking for his strength to continue we get focused on, the why or how, and then we get so down or lost that it is hard to find our way and we lose our faith. This life and the messages around us can be so confusing, sad, crazy, upsetting, hard, et cetera, that sometimes we get so caught up in the world that we miss the beautifully easy message our Savior has given to us of hope and love.
    Our Savior of his own free will gave us the beautiful gift of the Atonement he gave this gift to ALL mankind. The Atonement covers more than sin it encompasses all our sorrows, pains, sadness, every aspect of our life. His Grace is for all to partake of in whatever aspect of need we may have, but it takes effort and asking to receive.

    I see this news as your urn being full of water again. Great news so excited for you.
    Love Paulette

  11. YAY! Wonderful news this is us Giving you both a big hug and hoping it is start of more good news to follow. We love you all continued prayers
    Stef, Steve and kids

  12. Awesome!!! I want lots more news like that!!! We love you guys. Still praying for ya!

  13. YIPEE!!! HOORAY!!! YAY!!! YEEHAW!!! GOOD GAME!!! (which has to include a slap on butt! :) That is FANTASTIC news. We are so happy for you. The Tew/Fischers

  14. Soooooo excited to hear the good news. Let's keep it coming! :D
