Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update April 12th 7:27pm

Today so busy, a lot of things happened, some good and some not so good. We got to be with the kids today which was so nice, it seems like they have grown a ton since I had seen them last. Alright, I'll just cut to the chase. . . . we are back in ICU, which we are choosing to look at it as a good thing. There are so many benefits to being in ICU, so even though it means that his symptoms are worsening, we are very confident that we will have more attention and Acey's needs will be met much quicker. The Doctors decided to only do part of the MRI today which was of the spinal cord and we haven't got the results back as of right now, and tomorrow they will finish with the brain. If they would have done both together it would of taken 3 hours. The x-rays that they took this morning shows that he does have pneumonia, so that's another reason for being in ICU. We also did not do the spinal tap today, they thought that was just way to much for him. So tomorrow he will have the other MRI and the spinal tap.


  1. Oh Acey I know how bad is sucks to have Pneomonia on its own I cant imagine all your body is going through. Keep fighting and tomorrow is a new day. We are praying for you and Jalyn as well as the doctors. We love you all and miss you.

  2. You guys keep us boyed up instead of the other way around it seems. Our prayers are with you. Thanks for keeping us posted. So glad you got a day as a family again finally! Lynn Marci and fam

  3. Sounds like you guys are right where you need to be for the time being. Give those kids hugs and kisses for us. Wish we could be there to put our arms around you all so would know how much we love you all! Love and Prayers, Carla and Rusty

  4. Jalyn, thank you SO much for keeping us updated each day. We are so concerned and so anxious to know what is happening. And whether it's good or not so good, it's a comfort to know what goes on each day and to know what to specifically pray for. So glad you got to be with your wonderful family. Just remember that you are surrounded by hundreds of prayers each day. Give Acey hugs from us (although if he's anything like Hubert, he'll try to avoid that like the plague!). :) We love you. Steve, Wendy and the boys

  5. your family are in our prayers. WE love you. If there is anything we can do to help at all please let us know.

  6. Your positive outlook/perspective is simply amazing and once again, inspiring!!!! ICU looked at in that way!!! And, you are absolutely right!!!! :) Glad you had the kids with you for the day and Acey, as well as much as he could with all the testing. It is incredible how much kids seem to grow sometimes almost literally overnight. I keep looking at Buddy lately and am in awe at how fast he is growing. We need some warmer weather soon so that he can wear shorts every day. I think he might be able to use his jeans/pants for shorts, even. :) LOL. Fight with all your might, ACEY, just as you have been. Continued thoughts and prayers...daily...many times daily. I so do believe in the power of prayer. :) With love & support, Dona & family.

  7. Wow! I admire the way that you are able to see the bright side. It makes my heart happy to think of you together as a family. (The best place to be :) We love you!
    Andy, Kayli & kids

  8. Thank you for the updates. I can't imagine what you and your family are going through, but just know that we are all praying for all of you. Our Heavenly Father has his arms wrapped around you and his love is never ending. Will continue to pray, and hope you get some good news soon!
    Bryan and Shawna Mckay

  9. Just wanted to drop a note and say hi. I haven't ever met you but I knew Acey when we were just kids. Our families were friends and my dad and Steve Shaw were the best of friends. It is amazing how much your son looks like the Acey I remember! Anyway, just wanted you to know that I am pulling for you both. I am an RN and a wife and mother. I can't imagine how difficult and challenging this is for you all. Makes me stop and slow down a little in my own life. Praying for you both. (all) Holly (Burtenshaw) Davis
